Learn how to feel your best, stronger and more open in body and mind.
I have been practicing Yoga since 2004 and have been teaching Yoga full time since 2016. I completed a two year Yoga Teachers Training course in 2017 through the School of Yoga, Friends of Yoga International. I currently teach Hatha Yoga publicly and privately, online and in person.
I first discovered Yoga on a year out in the stunning Canadian Rocky mountains in my early twenties. The experience stuck with me and when I returned home to England I began attending both Hatha and Ashtanga classes so regularly, that before I knew it, not only was my practice improving, but also my life. As I practised continuously, my attitude towards myself gained a warrior spirit and I began going for things I wouldn't have before, like changing my career; taking up new interests; and committing to my health and well being. Yoga gives me energy, virtue, resilience and enables me to know me; a considered life.
I continually grow and develop in my own practice and have been taught by some fantastic teachers along the way. What I love about teaching Yoga is that I learn every day something new through my students. There is a great sense of unspoken understanding within a class that everyone comes to their mat with their own lives outside of it. But the time spent in the Yoga practice, during that dedicated time to yourself, connects you to a sense of what everyone else is feeling: invigorated, calm and blissed out!
My style of teaching is down to earth and personable. I provide a safe environment and see Yoga as both physical and emotional therapy. I get to know all my students and their individual needs. I have an in-depth understanding of anatomy and physiology as I am also an active trained and qualified level 3 Personal Trainer. I have a keen interest in the ever-evolving Yoga practice, always researching and exploring the effects of Yoga. I provide guidance and direction as well as golden moments of silence giving you space to be, listen to your body and breathing.
Qualifications & Training:
·Diploma 200 hours Yoga teacher training: Friends of Yoga Society International, completed July 2017.
·Diploma 100 hours Hatha Yoga Studies Foundation Course: Friends of Yoga Society International, completed August 2016.
·Active IQ Level 3 Diploma In Fitness Instructing and Personal Training: Premier Training International. 6-week intensive course completed 1st March 2016.
·BTEC Level 3 Award in Education and Training: Bournville College. July 2015.
·MOSAIC Voluntary Mentor (Positive Female Role Model) for The Prince’s Trust, 2013/2014.
·Psychologically Informed Environments (PIE) training 2014. Young Mental Health Team, NHS.
·ABC Introduction to Counselling Skills. Bournville College 2012.
·Referral for Exercise: Future Fit Training, under completion.
·Covid-19 Rehabilitation course: Future Fit Training completed September 2021.
·Yoga for Perimenopause & Menopause: Yoga Mama with Cherie Lathey completed March 2021.
·Anatomy & Physiology refresher course Shoulder Complex: Friends of Yoga International with Aimee Newton, completed March 2021.
·Anatomy & Physiology refresher course Pelvis: Friends of Yoga International with Aimee Newton, completed February 2021.
·Asana Deconstruction: Friends of Yoga International Aimee Newton, completed January 2021.
·Anatomy & Physiology refresher course Bone Density: Friends of Yoga International with Aimee Newton, completed December 2020.
·Winter Solstice Friends of Yoga International with Tamasine Hood
·Anatomy & Physiology refresher courses Diaphragm; Sciatica; Hips; Yoga Ergonomics: Friends of Yoga International with Aimee Newton, completed October 2020.
·50 hours Pregnancy Yoga Teacher training: White Space Studio with Dawn Wright, completed in October 2019.
·Emergency First Aid at Work: St John's Ambulance completed 11th July 2019.
·Yoga Vinyasa: YMCA Fit, completed February 2019.